Annual Report 2016
Country Reports


Maria Olsson Swedish Energy Agency


In May 2016, the Swedish Energy Agency arranged the 30th OES ExCo Meeting. In conjunction with this, an ocean energy conference has also been held with both Swedish and international participants from OES, OCEANERA-Net and Ocean Energy Forum. The conference covered, amongst others, presentations and discussions on challenges and solutions for ocean energy and gave input to the Strategy for Marine Energy for the Swedish Energy Agency.

StandUp for Energy is a research alliance between Uppsala University, KTH, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Luleå University of Technology, focusing on areas such as renewable energy production (marine energy included), electricity grid, electric and hybrid vehicles and energy system. Conferences are held twice a year and are attended by companies and policy makers.

Swedish Maritime Day, which is held every year, gathers stakeholders from academy, industry and the public sector. The conference is not only focused on offshore energy but also in areas like shipping, biotechnology, marine environment etc.

In the beginning of 2017, the new dry testing facility of CorPower will be inaugurated in Stockholm, combined with a scientific programme involving presentations from leading European research groups.