Annual Report 2016
Country Reports


Kim Nielsen Rambøll

The Wave Energy Research Group (WERG) at Aalborg University is coordinating two EUDP supported research projects:

  1. “Mooring Solutions for Large Wave Energy Converters” - is a R&D project to research common mooring solutions for large wave energy converters. It is a 3-year project funded by EUDP with €1 million initiated in 2015 and coordinated by Aalborg University. The objective is to design, test and develop cost efficient mooring solutions for large, slack moored, floating wave energy converters and to build national competences in design and modelling of mooring systems for WECs. Project partners are Tension Technology International, Chalmers University of Technology, and four wave energy developers, Floating Power Plant, Leancon, Wave Dragon and KNSwing.

    Large WECs used as test cases in the development of mooring systems

  2. “Resource Assessment, Forecasts and WECs O&M strategies at DanWEC and beyond” - coordinated by Aalborg University, is a 3-year project initiated in 2015 and supported by the EUDP. The objective of the project is i) to define the long-term wave climate around Hanstholm area using measurements from three buoys off Hanstholm and by validating modelled against buoy-measured data; ii) to build competences in defining Operation and Maintenance strategies for wave energy converters (WECs) and other offshore activities in the study area.

    At WERG, the final preparations of a new state-of-the-art wave laboratory are being made. The fully equipped laboratory will be capable of generating 3-D waves and currents, using 3-D active wave absorption in the wave basin and 2-D waves and currents in the flumes with 2-D active wave absorption.

    The new building of the Department of Civil Engineering (left) and the new wave laboratory under preparation (right)

Wave Dragon participated in two EC supported projects, which were finalised in 2016: The “ACORN” project, where solutions to combined corrosion and marine biofouling were developed, - and “Maribe”, where Wave Dragon developed a combined wave energy and seaweed production plant aimed at deployment in the Irish Sea