Annual Report 2016
Country Reports


Xia Dengwen National Ocean Technology Centre

The national small scale test site in Weihai, Shandong Province, achieved two successful operations in 2016: Completed the preparation for subsea cable system development at the test site, which is an interconnection hub that will connect the test platform to the test centre, and committed to start the operation of the monitoring centre. Concerning the national tidal energy full scale test site in Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province, the feasibility study had passed the inspection of the SOA to initiate the comprehensive demonstration project. Concerning the national wave energy full scale test site in Wanshan, Guangdong Province, the 1100 m2 land area has been authorized for use in November 2016, and the permit application of sea areas is still in progress.


Jiangxia Tidal Power Plant: Built in 1980 and owned by China Longyuan Power Group Co. affiliated to China Guodian Corporation since 2003. Sponsored by the SFPMRE, the upgrading project (#1 turbine from 500 kW to 700 kW) passed the SOA inspection in July 2016. The new turbine has been operating for more than 2400 hours with power generation of 967 MWh.



LHD Tidal Current Energy Demonstration Project: Supported by the SFPMRE, Zhejiang Major Science Technology Project (ZMSTP), Hangzhou United Energy Co. Ltd. is developing the LHD Tidal current energy demonstration project. They plan to install 7 turbines in their platform, with installed capacity of 3400 kW. The platform was deployed near the Xiushan Island in March 2016. In August, Hangzhou United Energy Co. Ltd. installed two of their turbines in the platform (#1 turbine: 400 kW, #2 turbine: 600 kW), and connected them to the grid. To date, the power generation has accumulated to more than 170 MWh. In 2016, Hangzhou United Energy Co. Ltd. was funded RMB 45 million by the SFPMRE to press ahead with the next phase project.


Zhairuoshan Tidal Energy Power Demonstration Station: In 2015, the Zhejiang University (ZJU) installed a 120 kW turbine near the Zhairuoshan Island (with their 60 kW turbine already deployed in 2014). To date, the total power generation has accumulated to more than 30 MWh. In the future, the station can serve as a testing platform for tidal current energy turbines. Supported by the SFPMRE, the year 2017 will see the assembly and deployment of a new 50 kW hydraulic type turbine developed by the ZJU, as well as a 300 kW turbine developed by Guodian United Power Technology Co. Ltd..



Shengshan Island Isolated Hybrid Power Demonstration Station: Developed by Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute (SMDERI), the station comprises 300 kW WEC, 150 kW wind turbines, 50 kW bio-energy devices and 25 kW solar thermal cells. The station passed the SOA inspection in July 2016. The SMDERI plans to build an Ocean Energy Comprehensive Utilization Demonstration Centre based on the demonstration station.




Shandong Rongyuan New Energy Co. (SRNE): The SRNE is developing a 110 kW floating point-absorber WEC based on the WEC developed by the Shandong University (SDU). The SRNE has completed the commissioning test for the WEC, and will deploy the device near the Chu Island in February 2017.

China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation 710 Institute (CSIC710): CSIC710 has repaired the 100 kW floating raft WEC, which was damaged by a typhoon in 2015. CSIC710 optimized and improved the mechanical-linkage system, and will deploy the 100 kW WEC near the Wanshan Island in June 2017.