Annual Report 2016
Country Reports


Rodolfo Silva-Casarín, Juan Carlos Alcérreca Huerta AND Elizabeth Rodríguez Aguirre Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

The Mexican Centre for Innovation on Ocean Energy (CEMIE-Ocean) will formally start activities at the beginning of 2017. The Centre will co-ordinate the work of 41 Mexican institutions, academies and companies into the research and development of applied technology for the harnessing of ocean energy.

Current and Tidal Energy:

  • Resource evaluation, which includes the development of a national atlas of energy potential and socio-economic-environmental studies in regions with most energy potential;
  • Regional characterization, which includes the development of the potential of tidal and hydrokinetic energy in the Gulf of California, the design of hydrogen electrolyzers for energy storage, and performance evaluation.

Wave Energy:

  • Wave energy characterization, which includes conceptual WEC design, theoretical and numerical studies and laboratory experiments with small and full scale prototypes. This will be a device designed for Mexican waters where high- efficiency devices are required.

Salinity Gradient:

  • Resource evaluation, which includes elaborating a national atlas of salinity field to identify sites with exploitation potential and conducting socio-economic-environmental studies in the areas with greatest potential;
  • Prototype design will include laboratory materials and techniques and adapting existing national capabilities and resources.

Ocean Thermal Energy:

  • Resource evaluation, which will include making a national atlas of temperature fields, carrying out viability studies, monitoring thermal gradients in potential sites with thermistor chains and evaluating efficiency, technical-environmental and socio-economic impacts.